When I was recently faced with this same question my initial
response was well that’s too bad, just keep doing what you have been.
Hybrid agile things are often not a good idea. They just create confusion
and sometimes extra non value producing work. The risk is people
cherry pick practices from different methods and use the “introduction” of
agile as an excuse not to exercise discipline in how they operate. See
related post on Shu ha ri http://agileadventure.blogspot.com/2013/04/shu-ha-ri-and-self-organizing-teams.html#links
The second risk is that a halfhearted adoption of agile has a great possibility
of “poisoning the well” for a latter successful adoption. There is
already some significant factor holding back the adoption of agile; those
naysayers will point to the weaknesses in the half adoption as reasons why it
is not a good idea to begin with. Then it makes a subsequent decision for this
team to adopt an agile method like scrum even more problematic.
So I say if you can’t go Agile then don’t go half way.
But this response is probably not going to be satisfying to the person
asking the question “now what?” They may even think deeper about this and
say “you mean to say I can’t iteratively and incrementally approach my agile
transformation in an agile fashion?”
So here is my advice. Don’t claim you are practicing
Scrum and don’t try to practice Scrum, the leading agile methodology.
What you can do is embrace agile values and continue with your
current method. The Agile manifesto is as much a declaration of values
more than anything else. The “Twelve principals of Agile Software” is
another good source of guidance http://www.agilealliance.org/the-alliance/the-agile-manifesto/the-twelve-principles-of-agile-software/
What you can do look for alignment that people are doing what they said they
would do, are they learning, is working code being produced. For example:
If you already have a practice of doing weekly
status reports you can pretend that you are operating in one week sprints. Most
status reports contain a section on what we did last week and what we intend to
do next week. Follow up with folks. Did they really do what they
said they would do last week, have a discussion over the reasons why not and
acknowledge the success when it happens.
Ask if they’d like to have a brief
discussion before they write up their goals for the next weekly status
report. See if you can identify impediments that they will need help
Ask “when can I see a demo?” Assert that you’d
rather see something early and untested if necessary.
Walk around and engage people in face to face
conversation. You’ll be surprised at what you learn.
You can hold a retrospective without saying
“retrospective” ask “what did we learn from doing that?” Create space for the
ensuing discussion.
For every document produced by your current non
agile development process (especially those in excess of 10 pages) ask the
author(s) “who is the audience for that document?” I’ve been amazed at the
number of people who create documents because the process says they need to but
they are unaware of who is supposed to consume that document.
When discussing features ask “how many times
does that happen?” or “What would happen if the system didn't support that?”
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